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Spam e-mail  

If you get e-mail that you think might be spam, or a hoax, report it to your Internet Service Provider. Let them update their firewall. Even if it's not a threat, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Do not open attachments if you do not know who they are from. Attachments sometimes contain viruses.

Do not forward e-mail if you have an uneasy feeling about it. Just delete it! Whether it is a hoax or not, you have saved the next person's time!

A Phishing scam is an email that wants personal information from you, like name, address, cell number, ID number, banking details. They will use the info to impersonate you and open accounts in your name. Just delete it.

Here are some suspicious e-mails you might get:

The bank is updating its records, or there is suspicious activity on your account. (Phishing)

SPCA, or other animal shelter, is closing down.

A missionary or Peace Corpse volunteer in Cameroon has fallen on hard times and needs to find a home for his dog. If you offer to pay shipping costs, or to pay vets bill to get it through the border, you will be scammed because there is no dog! 

A dog is missing. Read it carefully. Is the phone number correct, or is there a digit missing? Is it dated? Does it say what town the dog was in?

A child is missing. The child may have been found by the time you get the email, but you'll never know because spammers remove the date, location, phone numbers, & anything that can verify the authenticity of the matter.

A child is dying of cancer and if you forward the email, she will get money. Spammers play on the emotions. This may have started off as a genuine plea for help, but it has been manipulated by unfeeling baddies. The child may already have died, but the email still circulates as there is no way of verifying it.

A widow is dying of cancer and wants to leave money to " a good person," or "The Lord's work," or she needs to get it out of an African country. Can she have your bank details? Don't let anyone use your account. You will end up being robbed!

Some scam emails say if you forward the email, you will get money, a free cellphone, or good luck.

Bad luck will befall you if you do not forward the email within a certain time.

If you send the email back to the person who sent it to you, you will get good luck. Why should you send it back? The sender has already read it. Just delete it instead of letting the spammer gather email addresses.

Many petitions are sent out by folk who are tracking the email and compiling lists of email addresses to sell to online marketers. The subject of the petition may be true, but passing it on is a waste of time and just slows down the internet. 

You may have seen the fireworks petition doing the rounds by e-mail in the form of signing your name and every 100th or so person has to forward it to an e-mail address provided.   Please know that signing such a petition is of no use and your precious time and interest in trying to support the worthy cause is wasted. 

Some e-mails quote well-known figures & organisations like Elon Musk. This gives the email a facade of sincerity.

Spammers copy Christian messages and forward them knowing folk will not delete them.

You have won an overseas lottery. (You can't have won a prize if you never bought a ticket!)

You have won a prize in a competition. (No you didn't win a prize if you didn't enter the competition!)

You have been left an inheritance by a relative. Check with a lawyer you know.

The widow of a politician in another country wants to invest money in your bank account to get it out the country. They use women's names because women are thought to be more trustworthy.  Don't let criminals use your account for money-laundering.

If in doubt, delete!


Christ will judge every scammer, spammer, porn-gazer, online gambler, & every deceiver.





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