
Dog Breeds

Australian Terrier


The Australian Terrier is a small, lively dog. The breed probably descends from British terriers brought to Australia by sailors and immigrants. One can see resemblances to Yorkshire terrier and Norfolk terrier, and more.  It was named "Australian Terrier" in 1897.



Australian Terrier Breeders in South Africa

Debbi Jackson 0836262078  email: stapphire@gmail.com Kennel Name: Stapphire. See photos on our webpage.

Australian terrier puppy

The British Royal Navy, and the Merchant Navy, sailed back and forth from UK to the British colony Australia carrying provisions for the crew and for the colonies. The cargo attracted mice and rats. Small dogs were taken on board from various British ports to destroy vermin on the ships. Scottish terriers and Yorkshire terriers spring to mind. The dogs weren't fed - they caught their own food and ate rats. Some of the little terriers were taken to Australia to work on the farms as rat-catchers.

As the dogs started to inter-breed on the farms, those best adapted to the climate and bush of the Australian Outback survived and created a unique Australian terrier.  They deal well with the heat, and are excellent snake hunters. They are people friendly and like to live in the house and be close to humans. Strict house rules need to be laid down while the dog is a puppy.

The little Aussies make alert watchdogs and will bark to raise the alarm. They may also chase other dogs or cats away from their territory, so do make sure you have a dog-proof fence before getting a puppy.

Terriers enjoy hunting for small animals and will try to dig up moles, or just dig for the love of it.

3 mischeivous little Ozzie puppies.

Australian terrier puppies

Australian terrier puppies

Group: terrier

Colour:  There are three colour types: blue and tan (tan body with a blue saddle), sandy, and red.  

Coat: : The coat is rough and wiry, and has a mane of longer hair around the face, chest, and head.



There's a proverb that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  Same applies to dogs. It's just a general truism - we all know kids & dogs that are out of hand - but it helps if we have short, fun training sessions with our dog while he is young. Dogs enjoy time with their owners. Reference Proverbs 22. 6


Australialn shepherd watching the sun set over the sea.

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