www.petsplace.co.za Dog BreedsIrish TerrierThe Irish terrier is an ancient breed, whose history is traced back to Ireland. They were once known as Irish sporting terriers. Irish Terrier Breeders
Amanda Zellmer 082 381 4225 email
saterriers@nboif.co.za. Our Kennel Name is Ailimick. Visit our
website Elmi Volschenk, Cell 0716040288, E-mail: elmivolschenk@gmail.com, Our Kennel Name is Copperboots. See our Webpage Irish terriers were bred to hunt rats and other animals. They sniffed out and retrieved game. The coat is always red. The harsh wiry coat benefits from being hand-stripped rather than clipped, though the beard and eyebrows can be tidied up with scissors. Brushing the coat to remove dead undercoat will also help. An Irish terrier will often pick a fight with other dogs. They make good guard dogs. Early development of dog breeds Height: 46 - 48 cms at shoulder Class: terrier Irish terriers owned by A. Murray, South Africa
Czars Sweet Molly Malone (Imp USA)
Guinness & Maggie as youngsters If your Irish terrier gets into a fight with another dog, don't grab his collar, tail, or ears! Your are likely to get bitten. Try squirting the dogs in the face with water & lemon juice. "Like one who grabs a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own." Proverbs 26 v 17 The Bible.
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