www.petsplace.co.zaSharrazarBreeder of Staffordshire Bull Terriers
Above: Two photos of BBPIS BPIS BJIS BIS CH
Sharrazar King of Kings JM (AI)
My name is Tracie Austen and I have been involved with staffords for 10 years now. I was introduced into this amazing breed by my late husband Adie Austen. He had been exhibiting and breeding for over 12 years. He had one of the top "black" Staffordshire Bull Terrier Kennels in South Africa. His "gogs" as he loved to call them, have won many a Best in Show under local and International judges, not to mention Best Baby Puppy, Best Puppy, Best Junior, Best Import and Best SA Bred in Show awards. His pride and joy was his Import from Spain called Diablo. Diablo is the father of the only Staffordshire Bull Terrier in South African history to win the SUPER 7 Spectacular!! Adie dedicated his life to the breed. All his dogs are L2GHA and HC genetically clear by heritage. Adie died of a heart attack in June 2018. I am continuing with his legacy in the ring. I occasionally breed a litter or two as it was what he would have wanted. He was a very special man and was well respected in the dog community. He was also an International judge as am I. I have also qualified to become an FCI International All Breed judge. I have travelled to Australia, America and Canada to name a few countries to judge this special breed.
Sharrazar Fairies Velvet
CH Sharrazar Solo Moon (Athena)
CH Sharrazar Storm Walker
Grand Ch Int Ch & Ch
Staffyfriends Fantasma Negro Fo Sharrazar (Imp Spain)
BIS Ch Sharrazar Demon Walker, Son of Diablo
Ch Sharrazar Bayete Nkosi
Ch Sharrazar Pride of Africa
Ch Sharrazar Seek N Destroy,
Ch Staffgold Luna Selene Of Sharrazar Imp Spain I show my staffords around
the country. I specialise in black staffords. I am very passionate about my
breed and believe they are the best "Nanny Dogs" in the world. This means they
are excellent with children. My aim is to breed good temperaments, type and
soundness. In a nutshell .... In the pursuit of perfection.
Puppies from previous litters. (Not for sale)
The kennel name, Sharrazar is KUSA registered. top of page more Staffords puppies (other breeds) advertise! contact webmaster home