www.petsplace.co.za Dog BreedsFox Terrier, Wire Coat
The Fox Terrier, both smooth and wire-haired, originates in UK. The smooth-haired is an older breed than the wire haired. Francis Redmond, a breeder, set the standard in 1876. Fox terriers were bred to hunt fox and badger. This compact dog can get into the burrows and hiding holes of other animals and chase them out. Terrier comes from the Latin "terra" or earth. They are good at digging vermin out of the earth. Read the origins of dog breeds. More Fox Terrier Breeders who may have puppies occasionally Gillian Maxted 0837435232 or email maxtedgm@gmail.com Website, www.isimax-wires.co.za Hannatjie Whitlock, Local 049 8360 003, 084 899 1978, email hannatjie@yorma.co.za More details on our Webpage
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About fox terriers Today the Foxie makes a loyal, devoted companion and defender of the family. Being small, the dog will be happy in a small garden, but would enjoy long walks. Fox terriers have a hunting instinct and can be aggressive towards other dogs. It's not advisable to keep lots of fox terriers. One male & one female may get along, but two males will fight for dominance, and two females may fight to kill! The coat of the smooth fox terrier is short but the wirehaired terrier has a longer, rough coat with a slight beard. In Afrikaans it's called, "steek haar," or "steekhaar." Hand-stripping helps to maintain the coarse wiry texture of wire-haired dogs. Using clippers tends to ruin the harshness, but of course it's much quicker! Breeders used to cut off the puppies's tails at about a man's hand span, but docking is being outlawed world wide, so many breeders leave their puppies with a natural tail. If you're ordering a puppy, you can ask the breeder not to cut the puppy's tail off. Colour: white with black and or tan markings. Weight: 7 - 8 kg. Height: 39 cm at shoulder Class: Terrier ABOVE: International Champion Djago von der Bismarckquelle belongs to G. Maxted
The wire haired terrier above belongs to A. Mans
Below - puppies
If only we could be happy and spirited like a dog! As the Bible says, "Be joyful always... give thanks in all circumstances... do not put out the Spirit's fire." That's from Paul's letter to the Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 - 19 More pet topics on this site
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