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Let's not be the victims of scammers! Let's learn to recognise spam and scam!

Dog Scam examples

"I put up a advert in the classifieds saying i am looking for a schipperke puppy. I received an email a few days later offering me a 14 week old KC registered schipperke etc.  I had no reason to believe this was a scam.  I did think it strange when he wasnt going to charge me for the pup, he just wanted it to go to a good home.  I said ok.  Then i said i would collect the puppy, i would drive to wherever he was to collect.  He said not to worry and he would deliver the pup.  I said ok.  I then received an invoice from "Global Pet" delivery service.  ZAR1000.00 for delivery, with Camon island bank details.  This is when it hit me, THIS IS A SCAM. 

The scammers robbed another lady of R4100.00. They are placing ads on free ad sites like gumtree.co.za   vottle.co.za PuppyFindersSA.   myToko, etc.

The scammers choose breeds that are hard to get, like bulldogs, Yorkies, Maltese, or other small breeds. The ad is placed amongst other innocent, normal ads. It will name a town in SA. If there is a phone number, it will be a cell #. 

The victim sees the ad & says, "Wow, just the breed I've been looking for for years - and it's cheap!" 

The "seller" emails photos of the dog he is pretending to sell. He copied the photos off other websites. They are not his puppies. Once 1 or 2 emails have been exchanged, the seller says he suddenly had to move to Cameroon or Nigeria on business, or charity work, but the buyer can still get this pedigreed puppy if they just pay for the transport, otherwise he'll have to put the pup down. The soft-hearted buyer deposits money in bank a/c & seller disappears.

Next day the scammer places another ad using another false name.

If you have been scammed, let's publish your story & warn others! Always tell the webmasters of the free classified ad websites of any suspicious ads, newspaper editors, & anyone who will listen! 

'Those who love the Lord Jesus, hate evil."  Psalm 97 verse 10


Buyer beware! Watch out for crooks in the Free Classified columns!


As well as putting ads in the Free Classifieds, scammers have their own dog websites which look OK at first glance. Watch out for forms on websites that say they can get you any breed - a sort of "dial-a-dog" set up. These are not breeders. It is probably a crime syndicate. 


KUSA can answer your enquiries about whether pups are registered & about so-called, "registered breeders."  


Newspaper ads can be scams!  Read how one person was swindled: Zoey's Story


It is written in the Bible, "O God, you hate all who do wrong. You destroy those who tell lies; deceitful men, the Lord abhors." Psalm 5 verses 5 & 6


Websites that help us recognise hoaxes/


VIRUSES - if you are worried about a file, upload it to Virus Total http://www.virustotal.com and see what they say about it (VirusTotal will scan it with 38 AV scanners).

Always be aware of the danger of clicking any link in an unsolicited email, such as those
purporting to offer a link to a news story. Check the truth of the rumour at http://www.snopes.com/


"There's actually a whole book dedicated to spotlighting truth and unmasking falsehoods - the Bible. It reveals that the devil is a liar and the father of liars. He's perpetrated several whoppers about the Lord Jesus. Worst thing is, a lot of people believe him."

David Porter


Click here to report scams   For Afrikaans, click here

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