
Alphabetic List

 of Dog Breeders

in South Africa


Breeds A

Click on the links to visit the breeder.

Breeders sometimes put breeding restrictions on their puppies' registration certificate, so if you are planning to be a breeder yourself, do ask the breeder before you buy puppies. This website lists breeders who register their puppies with KUSA.


* Zabush *

Black, curly affenpinscher puppies

* Kinneret *

* Zabush *

akita puppy

* Aztrazar *

Australian Cattle Dog

* Duxcha *

Australian cattle dog puppy
Australian Shepherd

* Modailene *

Tricolouer australian shepherd puppy
Australian Terrier

* Stapphire *

Australian terrier puppy

Dog breeders by breed: B


Dog Breeders by breed: C - D


Dog Breeders by breed: E - I


Dog breeders by breed: J - M


Dog breeders by breed: N - R


Dog breeders by breed: S


Dog breeders by breed: T - Z


 Get listed!

Breeders are despondent when a planned mating produces nothing. Let's be like Habakkuk, who said, "Though there be no sheep in the pen (or pups in the whelping box) yet will I rejoice in the Lord." Habakkuk 3, 17 - 18
